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Fondazione Malagutti onlus, with the aim of promoting social commitment towards the respect of Children’s Rights, in partnership with AI – Association of the Authors of Images, launches the Illustration Competition entitled “LIGHT AS A BOULDER”.
The authors of the two winning works will receive a cash prize. Furthermore, the illustration that wins the first prize will become the symbolic image of the XVI International Figurative Arts Exhibition in 2025. We will award a third prize to ten artists; with their works, we will make a calendar.


1) Each illustrator shall present a maximum of three original and unpublished artworks, of which he/she guarantees the authorship, on the topic: LIGHT AS A BOULDER.

2) Free execution technique. The works must be realised with a maximum size of cm. 30×42. Stick the label, filled with all the requested data, to the back of each illustration. In the case of a digital image, it must have a resolution of 300 dpi, and the artist must save it in JPG format at maximum quality.

3) The illustrator must fill the application form and send it to the following e-mail:
The Author ensures the accuracy of his/her personal data.4)The illustrator must send the illustrations in both the following ways:

A) in original, by post or courier, to Fondazione Malagutti Onlus (Via dei Toscani 8, 46010 Curtatone – MN –Italy). Illustrators must also attach: the original regulation in PDF signed for acceptance, the printed registration form filled all its parts, a copy of the participation fee payment, a photo and a short curriculum vitae of maximum 250 words, in which it is possible to find the artist’s contact details (for example: email address, website, blog, Facebook page, Instagram, Portfolio online, etc.);

B) images of the submitted works in “.jpg” format with a maximum size of 1 MB to the email address: After receiving the material, the illustrator will receive a confirmation email.

5) The original artworks must be sent by Thursday, 31 October,
2024. In order to facilitate Italian customs operations, it is necessary to specify “Illustrations without economic value” on the shipping documents. Attach the parcel label to the envelope.

6) The participation fee is €25,00. Fondazione Malagutti operates on a non-profit basis.The participants must pay through:
A) bank transfer to: Fondazione Malagutti onlus, reason: 8th International Illustration Competition.

IBAN: IT 65 N 05034 11504 000000005239
BANK: BPM – Mantua branch 2 – Viale Risorgimento, 69 – 46100 Mantua
From abroad: SWIFT CODE: BAPPIT21P48


B) PayPal, with immediate payment by credit card or PayPal account: in this case, the amount of is 25 euros + 1,20 cents for PayPal commissions (total 26,20 euros). To pay, click on the button below:


7) We will expose all the illustrations in an exhibition aimed to celebrate children’s rights. The images of artworks will be published in the gallery of the Facebook and Instagram page of Diritti a Colori as well as on the website naming each author.


The Technical Jury, composed by professional and specialized figures from the Art field and Culture in general, will give the chance to spread their artwork’s visibility to all participants and not just to the winners.

The members of the Jury will be:
– President of the Fondazione Malagutti;
– President of AI – Image Authors Association;
– President of Alfaomega OdV;
– Editorial director of “Menabò”;
– Art critic;
– Journalist.

The Judging Commission will award a prize of €2.500, 00 to the author of the First Prize. His/her illustration will become the symbolic image for the following advertising of promotional material
(poster, participation formand creativity for the press announcement) of the XVI International Exhibition of Figurative Arts in 2025.
The Second Prize will receive a check of €1.000, 00.
10 additional, selected works will be awarded with the Third Prize, which consists in the creation of a calendar; all its authors will receive 5 copies of it each, together with a Special Mention.
All the winners will be granted the opportunity to hold a personal exhibition at the Diritti a Colori Art Gallery located in the historical center of Mantua.

The calendars will be available to the public, through free offering, in order to raise funds to support the activities of the Community for Minors “Costanza F. Giancola” managed by Fondazione Malagutti.

Any decision on any non-specified issue in this regulation made by the Jury is final.

The 1st and 2nd winners and the 10 authors selected for the third prize, by accepting the acknowledgments, will grant Fondazione Malagutti onlus the property of the artworks and of the non-exclusive rights connected to them.

Fondazione Malagutti onlus, by its nature, does not develop commercial actions, but it is based on free contributions collected in public events. These contributions support social purposes and assistance activities.

Fondazione always commits to mentioning the authors of the works.



Fondazione Malagutti onlus aims to promote illustrators’ works by giving them the possibility to donate their pieces of art to Fondazione and offering them the widest visibility through the organization of exhibitions and the realization of products and publications, such as the illustration bookWe are the future”.

Fondazione Malagutti engages to enhance the artists by exposing the donated artworks in the Exhibition Space #dirittiacolori in 1/B, San Longino Street, in the historical centre of Mantua, and in other prestigious locations, always securing the artists’ copyrights.

The return of the non-donated works will take place at the end of the Competition with shipping costs in charge of the receiver to Italy and abroad.


By participating to the Competition and signing the application form, all the authors grant Fondazione Malagutti onlus the non-exclusive right to reproduce the sent images on the on the Diritti a Colori Facebook and Instagram pages, on the website and throughout all the other digital means (websites, social networks, TV broadcasts, online newspapers, etc.) and non-digital (brochures, flyers, folders, invitations, posters, shoppers, postcards, calendars, bookmarks, greeting cards and any paper-based support) to promote the initiative itself.

It is needed to clarify that the previous list is merely illustrative and it is not comprehensive of all the uses that we retain the right to employ concerning the previously mentioned works. The use of the aforesaid images does not give the authors the right to any compensation; the initiative organiser’s unique obligation is to always credit the author.

The works competing must be authentic and original. The candidates guarantee the authorship of the presented works; the participants also explicitly release and free the Organising Body from any possible claim for compensation coming from third parties for any reason and declare, on their own and personal responsibility, both criminal and civil, that the submitted projects do not violate the regulations in force on the subject.

Fondazione Malagutti onlus retains right to call off and/or modify the initiative and not to go on with the selection for the reasons that it considers as valid. In case of annulment, Fondazione will refund the participation fees and return the artworks covering any shipping cost.

By enrolling, the Author accepts all the conditions of this regulation and assumes all liabilities, both criminal and civil, arising from the publishing of the works, setting Fondazione Malagutti onlus free from all responsibilities.

In addition, the author discharges Fondazione Malagutti onlus from any responsibility for damage, theft or fire regarding the entrusted artworks, during: transport and their return. The Court of Mantua will be competent for any controversy.


According to the articles. 13 and 14 of EU Reg. 2016/679, we will process the provided personal data according to the law in force. These purposes, whose legal basis is the requested consent to the interested party, concern the management of the disclosure of personal data such as name, surname, profession, activities, images, videos, audio interviews, on social media, websites, printed-paper releases or other forms of distribution. The provision is mandatory and the duration of data storage is strictly necessary to carry out the purposes of the processing indicated in the previous paragraph, and in any case to pursue the legal obligations deriving from the activities themselves.
The conservation of data will be carried out with adequately protected storage units, following the art. 32 of the aforementioned EU Regulation. Authorised internal staff will process those data and may disclose them to third parties (e.g. partners or third-party bodies where exhibitions and exhibitions may be held) only for subsidiary activities of the above-described aims or for insurance purposes. In accordance with articles 4 and 24 of EU Reg. 2016/679, the Data Controller is Fondazione Malagutti onlus, with registered office in Via dei Toscani 8 – 46010 Curtatone (MN) – Italy, represented by the pro-tempore legal representative.
Pursuant to the articles. 37 – 39 of EU Reg. 2016/679, the Data Protection Officer is the pro-tempore legal representative of Fondazione Malagutti onlus. By writing to the email address, you can verify your data and have them integrated, updated or rectified, and/or exercise the other rights referred to the articles. 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 of EU Regulation 2016/679.

ATTENTION: the deadline of the 8th International Illustration Competition has been extended to Thursday 31 October 2024 to also allow foreign illustrators with shipping difficulties due to ongoing war conflicts to participate.

We have added to the prizes a PRIZE AWARDED BY THE PUBLIC, which consists in a 7-day stay in a residence, hotel, farmhouse or bed and breakfast for 7 days, rental only (travel expenses and tourist taxes are excluded), in an Italian touristic location. We will award the prize to the artwork that will receive the majority of visitors’ votes during the the Final Exhibition (running from 20 November 2024 to 7 January 2025).

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