Diritti a Colori is a Network for the protection of children’s rights, created by Fondazione Malagutti onlus in order to promote children’s rights.
The aim is to protect children against any form of violence or oppression, involving people, organizations and institutions.
The goals: support the family, promote culture, encourage expression and creativity, art and beauty, and guarantee the harmonious growth of children.
With the network, in order to promote the rights of underage people through Art and Creativity, we organise:
– the INTERNATIONAL ILLUSTRATION COMPETITION, for professionals of illustration, with children’s rights at the core;
– the INTERNATIONAL FIGURATIVE ARTS EXHIBITION, for children and young people from 3 to 18 years-old.
Latest News
OPENING of the Illustration Competition Final Exhibition and news report by Mantova.tv
We would like to inform you that from 24 December 2024 to 1 March 2025 the Final Exhibition of the International Illustration Competition « Light as a boulder » is opened to the public at the « Diritti a Colori » Exhibition Space in 1/b – San Longino Street, in the...
Illustration Competition Final Exhibition – Update
We would like to inform You that the opening of the Illustration Competition Final Exposition will undergo a little delay of a few days because of technical and setting up reasons in comparison to what we previously announced (November 28). We will catch up during the...
Results of the Illustration Competition and Final Exhibition in Mantua
We share with you the results of the Illustration Competition. First Prize Rambaldi Sara Second Prize Bonanno Antonio Third classified with equal merit Acerbi Alice Third classified with equal merit Donelli Cornaro Chiara Third classified with equal merit Gauvain...
If we do not respect Children’s Rights, the trauma could affect other underage people, creating wounds that will be hard to heal.
Rights for all children Worldwide, inalienable rights, which need us, adults, in order to be respected.
Taking part in the “Diritti a Colori” Network means pursuing the same educational goal, rich in a myriad of nuances, which we can only offer through a healthy and fair society.

It takes action in the area of solidarity, developing its activity in social activities and healthcare assistance.
It supports initiatives and projects whose goals are the prevention of disagadvantage, the health protection, the upbringing and the education of children and young people.
It manages the “Costanza F. Giancola” Shelter for underage people, a protected residential facility that hosts children and young people who are abandoned, victims of abuse or torture, mistreated or temporarily without parental references.
It operates with an Emergency Service for underage people, a 24h emergency service, through which it welcomes children and teenagers reported by Law Inforcement Bodies or Institutions.
Contact Information
Via dei Toscani 8 – 46010 Curtatone MN – Italy
+39 0376 49951
1/B, San Longino Street – 46100 Mantova MN – Italy
+39 0376 1411084
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